Verified Global Educators

Unique Courses & Classes

Professional Certificates & Recognition

Gig Type :


  • By: Nyomiforhat

  • All Level
  • 45m

Learn Mandarin or Cantonese. Improve your reading, writing, and speaking skills through personalized tutoring.

  • 1-On-1 Tutoring
  • 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-19 Years
  • India - Instructor
  • By: ClestialS0lar

  • Beginner Level
  • 47m

Master German vocabulary, explore culture, and enhance communication skills with interactive sessions and team Kahoot quizzes in this dynamic course!

  • Self-Paced Class
  • 1-5, 6-10 Years
  • By: dkmin

  • Beginner Level
  • 40m

Unlock Hindi! Weekly 1:1 tutoring for beginners, intermediate, or advanced learners. Master vocabulary, understand sentence structure, and speak confidently with interactive games, songs, and conversation practice. It’s fun, effective, and personalized for YOU!

  • 1-On-1 Tutoring
  • 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 Years
  • By: dkmin

  • Intermediate Level
  • 25m

In this ongoing private session, students receive one-on-one practice to enhance articulation and diction. They engage in tongue twisters for improved speech clarity and precision. The focus is on individualized instruction, aiding students in refining their speaking abilities through targeted exercises tailored to their needs.

  • 1-On-1 Tutoring
  • 6-10, 11-15, 16-19 Years
  • By: ClestialS0lar

  • Intermediate Level
  • 45m

Start learning Italian with our fun course! We’ll teach you words, sentences, and how to talk like a local. You’ll learn about Italy’s culture too. It’s easy and exciting

  • Group Class
  • 11-15, 16-19 Years
  • By: InfinityW1tch66

  • Beginner Level
  • 50m

Craving French fluency but short on time? Dive into our intensive course designed to condense a full curriculum. Jump in whenever you’re ready and experience dynamic lessons packed with personalized feedback through weekly practice sessions. Our flexible learning path empowers you to master French at your own pace, all while benefiting from expert guidance.

  • Group Class
  • 11-15, 16-19 Years
  • By: aturrrg 09

  • Beginner Level
  • 45m

Dive into the world of sign language! Our engaging program introduces you to greetings, essential vocabulary for food and animals, and basic conversation skills. Build a foundation in sign language grammar and unlock a rewarding new way to communicate.

  • Self-Paced Class
  • 6-10, 11-15 Years
  • By: bruno_malagrino

  • Beginner Level
  • 45m

Master Spanish in record time! This course offers an accelerated program covering the equivalent of the first year of Spanish. We use highly interactive lessons and supplement them with personalized feedback throughout the week through additional practice opportunities. Plus, flexible enrollment allows you to join the program anytime, making it ideal for busy schedules.

  • Group Class
  • 6-10, 11-15 Years